Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sitting Here at the Computer

Hey There Crowd... Hope life is going great for everyone! It's not too bad for me except feeling a bit crumby the last couple of days. I'm not quite sure what it is, but my stomach has been giving me all kinds of trouble. It started the other day after riding some "spin" type rides at Belmont Park in Mission Beach. My son and I had a really great time at the beach that day, but afterwards, I just didn't feel right. The following day, I felt nausea for most of the day and was quite tired. After some solid rest, the day after that (today), I've been feeling a bit better, but still not 100%. It's a bit weird and I'm not sure what is going on. I did have stuffy sinus' on the first day at the park and did soak up a good portion of ocean water in my nose while playing around in the surf. I did suffer from this, Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) or positional vertigo, not too long ago but seemed to have moved on from it with the exercises my doctor gave me. I'm guessing this had a little bit to do with it, but also the swelling of my nasal cavities. It's funny how easy it is to mess up the human body and suddenly be facing some pretty crumby situations from it. Of course, the answer lately is "you're just getting older". That is probably one of the worst things I've ever had to hear and deal with. I'm right at a point where I can still be pretty active and do most of the things I "think" I can do, but now-a-days, it seems to hurt more and for longer when things don't work out. And, it seems that just keeping things going has become a necessity and a chore. I have a whole new respect for people who make it to their 70's and beyond. Anyway...Hopefully things'll get better and I can move on from this weird event without too much drama. The weekend should be wonderful. It's fun time! Yay! Catch ya'll later.