Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I Think I've Got It Working!

Hey All...exciting news. I believe I have my new Amazon Affiliate link working!

Here is my first one: Battery Tender Junior on Amazon.com

This is for the Battery Tender Junior. If you own a motorcycle, side-by-side, snowmobile, or just about anything with a smaller battery, this little unit works great! You can either screw on the battery connector for a more permanent connection or just use the alligator clips to clamp on. Either way, you'll have the nice SAE connector available to connect your Battery Tender Junior into.

These units will charge and then trickle charge (maintain) your battery. They are a great way to extend the life of your batteries. The Battery Tender Junior body is small enough to plug in and be out of your way just about everywhere.

If you like this unit, please use my affiliate link so I can get a couple cents for the referral. THANKS!

By the way, here is a link to my YouTube video where I added a permanent connector from the Battery Tender for battery charge maintenance on a Duralast 750 Jump Starter: Click here

I will work on a "how to" blog entry to help describe how I did it. The video walks through the process but is in more of a presentation view than a "how to".>

Take care and happy battery charging!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Trying Something New!

Ok. Here's the deal. I've done a couple YouTube videos and have tried helping people with comments where I get an Amazon link and paste it in the comment. I've decided it would be better to create a way to set something up on here where I create a full description of my "how to" and then set myself up with an affiliate link where I can monetize things a little. I realize this probably won't make much money, but there is no reason for me to skip out and even a couple cents if people find and buy products based on what I've posted. I hope people don't freak out over the idea that I'm going to make a couple cents from the links. I hope that the information I put out is clear, concise, and useful. This way we can all come out with a little bit of something in the end. Also, the adsense links on this page are on a trial basis. If they work, I'll keep them in. If they don't make anything and are just plain annoying....they're gone. Simple as that.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Quick Lesson Learned

I thought I was going to be clever and help my older friend get his information out to the masses in a quick and easy way. Hence, a BLOG. Well, after grabbing the info and creating the nice little blog page to put it in, I pasted away and then hit PREVIEW. I couple things hit me pretty quickly. 1, there was too much info for one post. 2, there was a ton of personal information in there too! I realized that if I just paste the information straight into the blog, then publish it.... All of that info goes out to the WORLD! Yeah... email addresses, phone numbers, names, addresses... The kind of stuff you only want to go to people "you want to see it". So then, the idea pretty much crashed before I even got it up and running. It is sad but I guess it's better than getting a bunch of pissed off people calling me and telling me I let in the big bad wolf! I will try to come up with some better ideas and we'll see where it goes.