Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Quick Lesson Learned

I thought I was going to be clever and help my older friend get his information out to the masses in a quick and easy way. Hence, a BLOG. Well, after grabbing the info and creating the nice little blog page to put it in, I pasted away and then hit PREVIEW. I couple things hit me pretty quickly. 1, there was too much info for one post. 2, there was a ton of personal information in there too! I realized that if I just paste the information straight into the blog, then publish it.... All of that info goes out to the WORLD! Yeah... email addresses, phone numbers, names, addresses... The kind of stuff you only want to go to people "you want to see it". So then, the idea pretty much crashed before I even got it up and running. It is sad but I guess it's better than getting a bunch of pissed off people calling me and telling me I let in the big bad wolf! I will try to come up with some better ideas and we'll see where it goes.