Sunday, September 21, 2014

Days of Memoria

Well... it has been one hell of a week. It all began with a L O N G day on Wednesday. I worked my job as the pest control guy. I had to start in Vista (North of San Diego) with 1 job, then, pack up and drive all the way to National City (South of San Diego). Then, hip hop around Imperial Beach and Coronado. The homes were all beautiful and the neighborhoods were definitely "upper class". I didn't mind that part. I did mind all the driving and the couple of "needy" customers. I ended up taking so long that I gave my final job to my fellow pest pro. I didn't get any complaints from the boss thankfully, but I was exhausted and a bit grumpy by the time I finished. Then, came Thursday and Friday. Back to the fire house for my standard 48 hours... but these were far from the standard days. Each day we were jumping around, taking care of everything from ants in the station to new flooring. My 2nd Captain had taken off the weekend so I ended up having to crew for Friday. THEN... because he wasn't going to be around, I got stuck on mandatory overtime on Friday. Ugh! My family and I had already had some nice plans to take the motorhome out to go camping for the weekend...starting FRIDAY! To make these even more interesting, I had a call at 2 am on Thursday night, and then another on my mando day, also at 2 am. This second one was sad. A young man somehow fell from a 7 story barracks and was unresponsive when we got there. The tone out happened at 1:57am and I didn't get to sleep until around 9am after I had gotten home. I was done! After a good rest (around 2 hours), I awoke in a much better mood and spirit. We got all the final things packed up and headed to the camp ground. It was exactly what I needed. Sun, pool, family. Ahhhh! At this point, I'm back at home, getting ready for another round of days. I really hope these are just the standard, boring ol' days. I suppose you'll hear about it if it isn't.

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