Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Howard's Blog - Page 1

Hi All, Well is everyone numb?? The events of yesterday have brought change good, bad or otherwise. Now let’s hope the Beltway crowd can get together & get something done. Time will tell. Still trying to get 4 folks I know of to contact me with their info so I can get them back on my list. Larry Kern,Joe Walthers, Mike Mulchay, & Charlie Brown. If anyone has contact with any of these folks have them contact me. Thanks. Hard to believe 2016 is nearly finished. This weather is not fall like. The Fire Lookouts have been given the word by USFS 11-30-16 we end fire season. Not sure but we have only had 1/10 th inch rain so far at my house. Well the Cubs also did the unbelievable what a series. As for us Padres fans hope renews for next year. Wish all a great Thanksgiving & a hopeful holiday season. Hope to see everyone next Wed. 11-16-16 0900. Gill
1) City of San Diego posting all emergency calls on line (Updated)
2) No more Navy rating's
3) National Interagency Fire Center
6) The Pentagon is closer to extending a generous new benefit to millions of veterans-
7) SDFD Station 45 in Mission Valley Award winning
8) San Diego Firefighter's Helmet Camera (Rescues 3 Children)
9) 2017 FEHB Open Season Guide
10) From LA Times there is a organization led by architects and engineers who naturally know how building are constructed. they contend the twin towers could not have fallen at free fall speed without some assistance.
11) Better fire protection may lower insurance rates
12) FW: Firefighter overtime an issue in Santee mayor race
13) Some OPM data breach victims must re-enroll for ID protection
14) OPM retirement claims backlog increases
15) The California man who in 2013 shot to death a Transportation Security Administration officer at Los Angeles International Airport was sentenced Nov. 7 to life plus 60 years in prison, per Justice Department
Cal Vet . You can get a Veterans ID card by appointment only, by calling 858-505-6457 this is through SD County @ 5560 Overland Dr. Suite 310 San Diego, Ca. 92123 . While you are there you can fill out paperwork to take with you to the DMV to place Veteran on your New / Renewed Ca. Driver’s License as well.
Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans, Agent Orange there are 2 bills in congress HR. 969 & S 681 & the following site for info check it out.
*F-33 Dues for Retiree's: $6.00 a month or 72.00 for the Year* Checks can be mailed to the Union Office: Federal Firefighters, San Diego IAFF Local F-33 P.O. Box 131378 San Diego, CA 92136, Or contact F-33 Union Secretary: Eli Castillo via email:
WEP reform / legislation
Firefighter Cancer Support Network 2600 West Olive Ave, 5th Floor – PMB 608 Burbank, CA 91505 866-994-FCSN (3276)
Local F-33 encourages and will do anything to assist our retirees in remaining active-retired members of the IAFF/CPF. As well as encourage participation in the CPF call back association. These memberships will ensure our retirees stay informed and are able to maintain ties to the job they did for so long and so well. If any retirees need assistance with this please call Secretary Eli Castillo, he can be reached at .
If retirees need help with obtaining a license plate and are not current members of the Local and do not wish to join the CPF will still help. Retirees can call Cynthia Clark at 916-921-9111 as long as they were members and are still in the recorded archives Cynthia will be able to help. Hope this helps and as always let me know what we can do to help. Fraternally, Mike
Our Monthly meeting is Wednesday 11-16-16 @ 0900 at D Z Akins in La Mesa. I have everyone (176) on one massive list now. If I have missed someone that you know of let them know or bring them along.

We need to make it easy on the wait staff & cooks at D Z Akins.
The price for breakfast is NOW.... Coffee / Juice $3.25 & Special $4.99 or $8.90 with tax.We have been collecting $10.00 to include the tip. As you can see $1.10 is not enough for a 18% tip. We need at least another .50. Those that do not have drinks have been paying $5.00 just for the Special & we get another dollar for tip money for a total of $6. So.... we need to toss in some more for the tip money. It’s really not the price it’s about the Fellowship of good friends. Things financially went well last month barely.*
This including 18% tip for large groups (over 6). The wait staff will put all the specials on 1 ticket. If you do not want the special the wait staff will place your order on a separate check and you need to add in the 18% tip.
Sept. 2011 was our largest attendance with 30 folks. On 10-19-16 we had 19 retiree’s & 2 guest attending total 21. If you are a Veteran there are lots of benefits that could be important to your family & you. Save that DD 214 & check out . If you know an elderly Veteran in need of home care check of “Aid and Attendance”. Another benefit one can check out is Lifetime Disabled Discount Passes to the State Parks as well as Distinguished Veteran pass. Go to www.Ca.Gov & click on Park & Recreation for details.
NARFE is our lone voice in DC & they are asking folks to contribute to NARFE-PAC, so if you enjoy your earned benefits think about a donation. See me for NARFE membership or NARFE-PAC forms.
Rich Ortloff will have the Retired stickers & patches available. The retiree stickers are $3.00.The retiree cloth patches cost $6.00.
Hope to see you all Wed.

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